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Association for Biomolecular and Computational Simulation

A student-run coding group for everyone

Welcome! ABACUS is an open group for coding and learning to use new applications. We have meetings that cover the basics of coding (like shaping and tidying data) along with more complex topics.

ABACUS will be meeting this Fall on Thursdays at 4pm in MEB2050/2070 (grad school classroom). There will also be python focus group meetings Thursdays from 5-5:30 with William Yuan (and others)

Interact with us anytime on the ABACUS slack channel or shoot us an email just to say hi 👋 or to be added to the Abacus email list!

Join Slack Channel

Fall 2021 Schedule:

Date Title Documents / Info
September 9 Introduction and Basics Intro Slides, dplyr cheatsheet, tidy cheatsheet
September 16 Data Handling TidyData
September 30 Making Figures in R and Python
October 14 Using the HPC
October 28 Protein Models and Simulations
November 11 Social / Applications